Data Privacy Notice

Information relevant to the processing of your personal data through the website:

OTE Group considers the protection of your personal data to be particularly important and adheres to the principle of transparency regarding their processing. If you would like to be informed in general about the processing of your personal data by OTE and COSMOTE, you are kindly requested to read the General Data Privacy Notice, which can be found here. The purpose of this text is to inform you specifically about the processing of your personal data when using the website (hereafter called "the Portal").

1. What is the identity and contact details of the Data Controller?
Requests for any clarifications related to the operation of the Portal can be sent to the email address

2. With whom can you communicate regarding issues related to the protection of your personal data?
For information about the protection of your personal data, as well as for the exercise of your rights (concerns natural persons and not legal entities), you can send an e-mail to with subject: "Exercise of personal data rights" stating your name and tax identification number and accompanied by a copy of your ID.

3. What categories of personal data do we collect and process, and for what purpose?
The Portal concerns existing as well as potential suppliers of the Companies, either natural or legal persons, who will choose to register in it. Following this registration, the Companies include those registered in the OTE Group Supplier Registry.

For the provision of services through the Portal we collect and/or process:
• Data that are necessary for your registration and/or identification in the Portal (for example TIN, Name, e-mail, telephone number, ID etc).
• Data that are necessary for the creation of your profile as an existing or potential supplier on the Portal as those emerge from legal documents (for example balance sheet, financial statements, article of incorporation, etc).

4. How long do we retain your personal data?
OTE and COSMOTE retain the data, as they are mentioned in paragraph 3, until your submission of a request for deletion from the Supplier Registry. After your submission of a request for deletion, your details will be deleted within a period of 10 working days.

5. Will OTE and COSMOTE process your personal data for other purposes as well?
OTE and COSMOTE will not process your personal data for purposes other than those listed above. In case OTE and COSMOTE want to process your personal data for other purposes, they will only do so after informing you about it and obtaining your explicit consent.

6. Who are the recipients of personal data and for what purpose are personal data transferred to them?
Recipients of your personal data may be third parties with which we cooperate for the technical support of the Portal and specifically the company SINGULARLOGIC S.A., based in Greece.
In these cases, these third parties are processors for the data processing performed on behalf of OTE and COSMOTE and as such are considered partners of OTE Group, who undertake the execution of a specific project following our instructions and applying the strict processes of OTE Group regarding the processing of your personal data. In these cases, OTE and COSMOTE are still responsible for the processing of your personal data. The processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purposes, by our partners takes place mainly within Greece and the European Union (EU).
If we cooperate with companies outside the EU, they will process your data only on our mandate and only if there is an adequacy decision of the European Commission or if there is an agreement about the appropriate clauses that ensure a high level of security in relation to the processing of your personal data.
Besides SINGULARLOGIC S.A., OTE and COSMOTE do not process or disclose your personal data to third parties, except in cases where their disclosure/transmission is required by applicable law.

7. What are your rights as a natural person and user of the Portal, regarding the processing of your personal data?

You have the right to submit a request to OTE and COSMOTE regarding:
• Receiving information about the categories of your personal data that we process, the purposes of the processing, their recipients as well as their retention period (right of access).
• Correcting your personal data in case of processing inaccurate data that concern you (right to rectification).
• Deleting your data (right to erasure).
• Restricting the processing of your data (right to restriction of processing).
• Objecting to the processing of your data (right to object).
• Requesting the portability of your data to another processor, ie your right to receive your own personal data in a structured commonly used and machine –readable format, so that it is technically possible to transfer it to another controller (right to data portability).
• In addition, you reserve the right to submit a written complaint to the responsible supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data, ie to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (1-3 Kifissias Ave., PC. 115 23, Athens +30 210 6475600, contact e-mail:

8. What kind of measures are taken to protect your personal data?
OTE and COSMOTE take appropriate organizational and technical measures for data security and protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unauthorized processing.
You can find more information on this topic in the General Data Privacy Notice.