Terms of Use


1. Introduction

The societes anonymes with the name “HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATION” with the trade name “OTE SA” (TIN 094019245, Athens Tax Office for Commercial Companies, GCR No 1037501000) and “COSMOTE MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SIGLE MEMBER SA” with the trade name “COSMOTE” (TIN 094493766, Athens Tax Office for Commercial Companies, GCR No 2410501000), which have their registered offices in Maroussi, 99 Kifissias Ave, hereinafter referred to, respectively, as “OTE”, “COSMOTE” OR “Companies”, created and manage the present web-portal “supplierportal.cosmote.gr” (hereinafter the “Portal”), addressed to their existing and potential suppliers, individuals or legal entities, that will register on it. By doing so, the Companies include those registered, in the OTE Group Supplier Registry. In no case shall the registration on the Portal and in the OTE Group Supplier Registry constitute or may be construed as a promise, offer or proposal for the preparation of any contract or any transaction with the registrants.
The use of the Portal is governed by the present general terms, which users are asked to read carefully, as use of the Portal implies unreserved acceptance of these terms.
The Companies have the right to amend the present terms at any time, without warning, updating this text with every amendment or addendum.

2. Content – Responsibility

The Portal and its applications, content and functionalities are provided “as is”, without the potential for amendments or other interventions by the user. The Companies make every reasonable effort to ensure that the content of the Portal is accurate and up-to-date, provided for informational purposes only. Users must evaluate the provided information at their discretion, having full responsibility for the use and utilization of it for their business decisions and during any transactions with the Companies or any third parties.
The Companies take all appropriate technological measures to ensure the safe operation of the Portal, communication of the users and storage of data that users periodically post and update.

3. Registration - Posting Legal Documents and Information by the users

In order to log in and browse the Portal, users must first create an account.
To create an account, the user has to enters a corporate TIN, e-mail, company name, username and password. Acceptance of the Terms of Use of the Internet Portal, the Data Privacy Notice and the OTE Group Supplier Code of Conduct is also required.
The user then enters the required company information in the standardized fields of the Portal (category of traded products and services, demographic data, etc.). The username and password are strictly personal to each registered user and are not allowed to be disclosed to any third party.
Users are responsible for all transactions performed with personal passwords and are required to immediately notify OTE or COSMOTE about any unauthorized use of them. Under no circumstances are the Companies liable for any damage to the user by the arbitrary or illegal use of their usernames and passwords by third parties.
To ensure safe browsing, the Companies are entitled at any time to terminate the access to specific services of the Portal in case of violation of the above conditions. The Companies reserve the right to request from the registered users further information in order to confirm their declared data.
By registering, users acquire a personalized space in the Portal, on which they can post legal documents and other company information (eg balance sheet, financial statements, article of incorporation, etc.). Access to this data is limited to OTE and COSMOTE as well as to each user regarding his own company’s data. Users are required to only provide and post real, complete, valid and truthful information which OTE and COSMOTE can use to evaluate each company as a potential supplier and/or to enter into a contract and/or for existing contractual relationships, otherwise they bear full civil and criminal liability to OTE and COSMOTE for any related damage. Users may update, modify, add or remove any information posted at any time, unless otherwise specified in the terms of the tender procedure or contract with the Companies. In order for the Portal to operate properly, the Companies may ask the users to remove content that is no longer relevant or that is not related to the purposes of the Portal.
For their deletion from the Portal and the Supplier Registry, the users may send a relevant request to the e-mail address: suppliersportal@otegroup.gr

4. User Obligations

Apart from specific third-party rights (intellectual property rights, industrial property rights and others), all of the content contained at any time on the Portal (indicatively: Supplier Code of Conduct, policies of the Companies, trademarks, distinctive features, photographs, texts, announcements, etc) is the intellectual and industrial property of OTE or COSMOTE, as applicable, and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, EU and international law. This content may not, in whole or in part, be traded, copied, amended, reproduced, retransmitted or be transmitted or distributed in any way by any user, in violation of the present terms. Users are obliged to make lawful and appropriate use of the Portal and in compliance with the law on transmission of data from Greece to Member States of the European Union and third countries. As such, users indicatively but not restrictively agree that they shall not use the Portal to:

- Transmit or gain access to content that: i) violates any rights of third parties (e.g. intellectual and industrial property), ii) insults the personality of a third party (e.g. libel, racism), iii) contradicts the law and fair trade practices, iv) violates in any way the private lives or individual and social rights of third parties.

- Deceive anyone with regard to the origin of the content of cosmote.gr to damage, in any way, the reputation of the Companies or third parties.
- Put the security of the Companies’ network at risk.
- Hinder any user from gaining access to the Portal or circumvent the checking of their identity by OTE or COSMOTE.
- Install or promote, in any way, any type of unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other kind of unsolicited promotion of content, or to install or promote advertisements without the written consent of the Companies.
- Install, promote and/or distribute content that contains digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the operation of any software or telecommunications equipment or to hinder other users from using the Portal.
- Reveal information of their own or of third parties that contains personal data of the users or of third parties in real-time conversations (chat, message boards) or during the use of any service of the Portal that enables communication between more than two users.
- Collect or store personal data regarding other users.

In case of use of the Portal that is illegal or contrary to the present terms of use, users will be obliged to compensate OTE and/or COSMOTE for any damage caused to them by the said user. Failure of the Companies to exercise the rights deriving from these terms does not mean they waive these rights.

5. Availability & Security of the Network

The Companies have the right to amend and/or temporarily or permanently interrupt access to all or part of the Portal, for maintenance or upgrading purposes or for any reason, with or without prior notification of users, and will make all reasonable efforts to maintain and ensure availability of the Portal. However, uninterrupted availability of the Portal is not guaranteed, as availability of the Portal may be impacted by users’ equipment, other communications networks, a large number of people trying to use the Portal simultaneously or by other causes.

Users acknowledge and accept that the Companies bear no responsibility for any damage to users originating from use of the Portal or users’ inability to access the Portal, cessation of all or parts of the Website, delay, non-delivery, interruption or poor-quality reception of its services or loss of their content, or the existence of any kind of error.

Although the Companies make every possible effort to protect the Portal from digital viruses, they cannot guarantee that the Portal will be virus free. Consequently, all users must take their own protective measures (use of antivirus, virus scanner or other defence system) before using the Portal or storing information, software or content from the Portal on their digital devices.

6. Personal Data

 Regarding the protection of Personal Data and Retention of customer content please refer to the    “Information relevant to the processing of your personal data through the website  supplierportal.cosmote.gr” found in the Data Privacy Notice.

7. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard disk of every visitor/user and cannot access/affect any document or file on the visitor’s/user’s computer. The Portal uses the absolutely necessary cookies, which are technically required in order to realize the connection and recognition of the users, the preservation of the users’ options, and for the Portal to operate properly. Each user of the Portal may have configured his web browser in such a way that it either warns him about the use of cookies in specific services and web-pages or does not allow the use of cookies in any way. In case the user of the specific services and web-pages does not wish to use cookies for his/her identification, he/she may not have further access to these services.

8. Applicable law – Jurisdiction

The present terms and any amendment to them are governed by Greek law. The courts of Athens are designated as having subject-matter jurisdiction for any dispute that may arise from the present agreement.

9. Contact

For any clarification regarding the Portal, users may contact the e-mail address: suppliersportal@otegroup.gr